25 New Tech Jobs Coming To Laois
25 new jobs are coming to Laois.
Canadian tech company N'ware has chosen Mountrath for its European headquarters.
The company is looking to expand its software sales and services to Europe, the Middle East and Africa, from its temporary base in the Bloom HQ co-working space.
They say Laois was their location of choice, given its central location in Ireland, good connectivity, and remote-working facilities.
The company is actively recruiting for three jobs at the moment, with the remainder to come on stream in the coming years.
Mark Rijke, Managing Director of the Europe, Middle East and Africa division, says blended working is the way forward.
He says Bloom HQ was a big attraction.
Junior Minister for Finance and Fianna Fáil Laois-Offaly TD, Seán Fleming has been welcoming the news;
"It is a major boost for Mountrath and County Laois.
"As a Minister for State, I have asked the IDA to prioritise Laois as a base for new businesses. I have been speaking directly with Martin Shanahan , Chief Executive of the IDA in recent days asking him to give special attention to County Laois in view of the low numbers of IDA supported jobs currently in the county.
"N’ware’s announcement today is a very positive development for Laois. It is further evidence of the benefits of locating in the regions outside Dublin where there is access to talent, lower operating costs, top class broadband and higher staff retention rates."
While his constituency colleague, Fine Gael's Charlie Flanagan says;
“This is a significant announcement and follows other significant job creations in the county over the past 24 months, namely Greenfield Global, Trifol, Glanbia/Leprino.
"Successful enterprises like N’Ware see reason to have confidence in County Laois as a location to do business, they recognise what the County has to offer; a strategic location- in the heart of the country and a skilled workforce."
With thanks to Midlands 103.